Indu Bhatt


Natural products are the products derived from various herbs. Herbal medicines are derived from the natural products that may be extracted from various herbal plants and their parts. These herbal medicines are gaining new popularities because they are relatively safe and have no or very few side effects in comparison to conventional medicinal remedies like allopathy etc. The active compound(s) known for the treatment of various ailments can be extracted from the herbs using various methods, however, the exact composition may vary depending on the procedure used and the conditions used to cultivate and harvest the herbal plant. Therefore, it becomes mandatory to have some standard guidelines to maintain the efficacy and effectiveness of the herbal medicines. The present review gives an insight into the various sectors of natural products and herbal medicines and its promises and challenges as the new pharmaceuticals.


Pharmacy, Natural products in Pharmacy, Herbal medicine, Herbal pharmacy, New face of pharmacy, Herbal products in pharma.


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