B. Fuzail Ahmed, J. Khaja Sheriff


Attracting potential talents, converting them as potential candidates and retaining them as successful workforce, are great deals for Human Resource Department. Online recruiting options offered significant tools to face the challenge. Companies used to recruit through their own websites, resume banks, career sites and job boards. These tools did not work out as expected. Thanks to smart phones and internet connectivity, mobile applications have become part and parcel of the people, particularly the youngsters. Recruitment through the app increases firms' competitive advantage through increased efficiency and economy. The purpose of this study is to review the various factors that influence the users to adopt smart phone applications, explore the exogenous and endogenous latent variables and propose a Conceptual Model. Conceptual model has been made after extensive literature survey on conventional TAM and UTAUT models. The exogenous latent variables include the independent variables, namely, individual factors, technical factors, organizational factors and social factors. The endogenous latent variables include the dependent variables, namely, performance expectancy, effort expectancy, aesthetics and trust. These factors influence the behavioural intention leading to technology adoption. Focusing present job seekers and job trends, a conceptual model has been proposed that should be empirically studied.


Recruitment, TAM, UTAUT, Exogenous latent variables, Endogenous latent Variables, Human Resource Management.


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