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Vimal Bhandari, Surya Prakash Gora, H. G. Vyas, Charanjeet Kaur, Neelam Roy


Introduction: The aim of this study was to evaluate the relationship of lipid profile, Apo-lipoprotein-A, Apo-lipoprotein-B, Body Mass Index, Waist Hip ratio with occurrence of gall stone disease.

Materials and Methods: The study was conducted in the Department of Surgery in collaboration with Department of Biochemistry on 100 patients for a period of one year. The patients were divided in two groups: 50 cases (40 women, 10 men: mean age 39.98 years) and 50 controls (40 women, 10 men: mean age 38.50years). The study design was case control study. Blood was collected in fasting state and analyzed for Lipid profile (total cholesterol, high density lipoprotein cholesterol, low density lipoprotein cholesterol, total triglyceride, Apo-lipoprotein A, Apo-lipoprotein B). Anthropometric measurements were done to calculate body mass index and waist hip ratio.

Results, Analysis and Discussion: Out of 100 patients, 80% were women and 20% were men. On lipid profile analysis in study group mean serum total cholesterol was 186.78±49.13 mg/dl, mean Triglyceride was 142.54±56.52 mg/dl, mean HDL-C was 39.46±27.97 mg/dl, LDL-C was 126.06±45.82 mg/dl, mean APO-A was 102.24±20.38 mg/dl, mean APO-B was 82.56±15.7 mg/dl. All above lipid profile parameter except HDL-C and APO-A were significantly higher in case group than control group p<0.001. While APO-A was significantly lower p<0.001 and HDL-C was lower but not significant p-0.179.The mean BMI was statistically higher in case group than control group (27.5±0.71 vs 24.31±0.32 kg/m2,p<0.001).The mean WHR was statistically higher in case group than control (0.87±0.39 vs 0.79±0.47,p<0.001).

Conclusion:  Elevated Triglyceride, Total Cholesterol, Low density lipoprotein cholesterol and it’s associated Apo lipoprotein-B(Apo-B) while decreased High density lipoprotein cholesterol and its associated Apo lipoprotein A (Apo-A) seems to play major contributing role in the pathogenesis of gall stone. Apo lipoproteins were more sensitive parameter than lipid profile in distinguishing patients with gall stone than without gall stones. Obesity and high Waist Hip Ratio (central obesity) were also associated with occurrence of cholelithiasis.


Lipid profile, Serum lipid profile, Apo-lipoproteins, Body mass index, Waist hip ratio, Cholelithiasis.

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