Introduction: With marked advancement in imaging techniques Ultrasound/CT guided percutaneous aspiration/drainage has been widely accepted as treatment of choice than operative drainage in intra-abdominal abscesses.
Aims and Objectives: As there is paucity of comparative studies between percutaneous needle aspiration(PNA) & percutaneous catheter drainage (PCD), the present study was undertaken to compare the efficacy, cost –effectiveness, hospital stay and safety between two methods.
Material and Methods: Cases of intra-abdominal abscesses were randomly divided into two groups and Group A cases were treated by PNA and Group B patients were subjected to PCD and results were compared between two taking into consideration failure rates, recovery time clinically and radiologically, course of antibiotics, complication rate and duration of hospital stay.
Results: Out of 56 cases of intra- abdominal abscesses 29 patients were treated by PNA with success rate of about 83% and complication rates of about 7% while 27 patients were treated with success rate of about 96% and complication rate of about 18% but with faster recovery and shorter hospital stay than former.
Conclusion: PCD is more successful method than PNA though latter is safer and can be preferred in small abscesses.
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