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Perceptions of Distance Learning - A Case Study of Botho University

Arundhathi Thangeda, Masego Thobogang


Education is one of the most important things in life and it should be accessed by any means desired, even if it’s at the comfort of one’s home. This brings to what is called distance learning which allows an individual to access education when the learner, tutor and teaching sources are separated by distance and possibly time as well. This method of accessing education can be achieved by the use of network technologies. The distance learning provides advantages like providing education to people who cannot attend traditional schools due to employment, marital status, family responsibilities, distance and financial problems.

However, the problem is the fact that people are unaware of the benefits and sufficiency of distance learning since they are used to the traditional way of learning which is classroom based. In this research investigation was done on people’s perceptions concerning distance learning by means of questionnaires in order to find out why distance learning is not given the attention it deserves. Thereafter, an analysis of the results was done to measure the leading perceptions that deprive people of the privilege of using distance learning. The objective of this research is to bring distance learning to light by building awareness among people concerning distance learning and how it can contribute to quality education and to correct the misconceptions on distance learning.


Education, Distance learning, Traditional learning, Online studies, Distance education perception, Botswana distance education.

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