Effectiveness of Self Instructional Module on Selected Family Planning Methods Administered Among Scheduled Caste Women in Assam
Family planning is an effective way to build a healthy society. This may be possible only through extension of awareness of scientific practices about population control measures in micro unit in society. The objectives of the study to assess the knowledge, attitude, practice and women empowerment on family planning among rural scheduled caste women and evaluate the effectiveness of self instructional module. In order to evaluate study effectiveness of self instructional module developed, for the purpose a random sample of size 50 and data was collected from two selected villages in Gohpur sub division of Sonitpur district.
The pilot study was generated 28 items on knowledge, 25 items in Attitude, 17 items in practice and 15 items in women empowerment with Spearman-Brown split half Coefficient reliability at 0.784. The demographic profile of the sample was statistically analysed by frequency analysis. The Pre-test as a whole mean score was found 83.14 and SD 9.643 where as Post-test mean score was found 92.48 and SD 10.691 in age group of 18-38 years married women. The effectiveness of self instructional module revealed the positive impact in case of Knowledge, Practice and Women Empowerment but self instructional module was failed to intervene in case of attitude on the rural Schedule Caste Women. This may be possibly due to lack of educational level, lack of awareness on family planning practices among scheduled caste community. 80 percent was found acceptance and 20 percent was found non acceptance of family planning methods among the subjects.
The successful intervention of knowledge, Practice and women empowerment in the study was possibly due to motivated of understanding level on family planning and its methods through administration self instructional module to the study subjects.
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