S. Ezhilraji
This study is conducted on Job satisfaction of Hotel Employees in Chidambaram town. The researcher has gone for both primary and secondary data. The study is based on both primary and secondary data were collected for the present study. Primary data was collected through interviews and observations methods. The data collected was tabulated and analyzed in systematic manner. The following statistical tools like average, percentage, factor analysis and multiple comparison tests ANOVA were used to Analysis and interpretation of the data. The main objective of this study is, therefore, to study the role of hotel industry in economic development of the country, to study the various factors influencing job satisfaction in hotels in Chidambaram Town, to measure the level of job satisfaction among hotel employees in Chidambaram Town and suggest measures for improving job satisfaction. The study concludes that job satisfaction is considered to be a sensitive aspect, but it is highly useful for every organization. Normally, what all factors constitute job satisfaction is difficult to define. This varies from person to person, time to time, place to place and from organization to organization. All organizations are interested in utilizing this aspect effectively and efficiently for the purpose of achieving the organizational goals.
Effective, Infrastructures, Job satisfaction, Promotion, Training, Hotel employees.
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