Rohit Mathew


The Taittirīya Upaniṣad belongs to the (Krishna) Yajur Veda and it contains three chapters or Vallis. This paper is based on the commentary by Śaṃkara and on the idea of ‘lakṣaṇārtha vākya’ or ‘definition’ found in the ‘Brahma-ānanda Valli’, which is the second chapter of this Upaniṣad. This paper has three sections. In the first section of this paper, I explore two philosophically attractive meanings of the term ‘lakṣaṇārtha vākya’, namely the ‘lakṣaṇa-meaning’ (‘lakṣaṇa + artha’) and the ‘lakṣaṇā-meaning’ (‘lakṣaṇā + artha’). In the second section I present an important objection and I provide two possible responses to this objection. In the final section, I provide reasons for why I think the ‘lakṣaṇa-meaning’ is more helpful within the context of the commentary on Taittirīya Upaniṣad by Śaṃkara.


Lakṣaṇārtha vākya, Definition of definition, Lakṣaṇa, Lakṣaṇā, Brahma-ānanda Valli, Taittirīya Upaniṣad.



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