This study probes into the relation between science achievement and the personal and familial factors of secondary school students. The basis of this study was the rising complexity of the Indian society. In the light of present scenario, the social and familial situation of child is changing and has effects on the achievement of students. Science education plays an important role in development of the country thus this study was conducted to observe the impact of different factors on science achievement of students in Indian context.
The method employed in the study was descriptive statistical in nature as it describes and interprets the relationship that exists. The study was conducted in Lucknow city, U.P., India. A sample of 208 students of six secondary schools of the city was taken. The tools used were the science achievement test and a personal and familial background assessment questionnaire. The achievement test was administered on students to collect the data and mean, standard deviation, t-test were used for analysis of data. It was found that parental education has positive effect on the achievement and it increases the achievement of the student's, parental occupation has no effect on the science achievement, no relation was found between family size and student's achievement and the parental assistance increases the student's achievement in science. Thus, in the present study we concluded that gender, parent education, parental assistance have significant effect on science achievement of students while family size, parental occupation had no effect on science achievement of students.
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