Higher education in Botswana has been proven to be the key factor to modernization and development. This country has taken upon her to ease the burden of providing the students with financial support to supporting one of its vision goals of having an informed nation by the year 2016. Higher education plays paramount role of ensuring the above of ensuring that we live in a knowledgeable era. The government has done her part but the students who the system is supporting face some challenges which tend to be a deterrent towards achieving the intended goal. In this research, we intend to reflect on some of the key challenges and issue that students facing in higher education.
Based on the fact that the country has various higher learning institutions, the research will be based on the challenges and issues of Botho University, Francistown students. The general areas of concern are management challenges (socio economic), gender (problems faced by women students as they are often the most affected), language issues and the brain drain. These issues are the main problems which if not tackled in due time will hinder the future academic development. The participants of this study are Botho University students. Botho University, Francistown campus has over 700 academic students, but we would require the assistance of only 100 students whom would be used in the study. We will be issuing a structured questionnaire to the students as in to gather the required details. The feedback collected will reveal what are the main causes of challenges and issues from students from their own opinions.
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