The “Paradise on earth” is a land symbolised by enchanting mountains, beautiful lakes, scenic beauty, rich and traditional culture, richness of people and most of all hospitality. The echoes of laughter happiness used to echo its ernest corners and paradise was rightly bequeathed to it. A gust of strong wind blew through valley turning and engulfing everyone in its way where merry bells of laughter can be heard which were replaced by disillusioned heart and eyes. The beautiful streams started flowing with tears of confusion and misfortune. Although every section of the society had faced the brunt but the most affected ones are Kashmiris. The war like situation has led to high incidence of frustration and mental disorders especially among victims of militancy. Thus, in context of prevailing situation, it becomes important to study psychological wellbeing and self-efficacy among militancy and non-militancy affected people in Kashmir.
The sample for the present study comprised of 120 militancy affected and 120 non-militancy affected individuals that was further divided on the basis of gender and socio economic status. The places which were worst hit by militancy were identified. The independent variable included were gender (male/female), type of group (militancy affected/ non-militancy affected) and socio economic status (lower middle class/upper middle class) and the dependent variables included were psychological wellbeing and self-efficacy.
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