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Mousumi Majumdar, Krishna Kishore, Vasanth Kiran


The volatile market today makes the whole business aura difficult to understand especially for management students. Faculty members play a crucial role in the success of graduate students. Mentoring is a one-to-one, non-judgmental relationship in which an individual voluntarily gives time to support and encourage another. The vision of the mentoring program is to foster a mentor-mentee relationship among the faculty and students, so that the students can interact with their mentors on the various issues like academics, personal life, or even about life beyond their home, studies and schools. This brings about an emotional stabilization through the continuous support. A proper objective and approach towards mentoring leads to success in the management career. This paper aims at the objectives, procedure and advantages of successful implementation of effective student mentoring in management education.


Mentor, Mentee, Management education, Mentoring programme, Mentoring hubs, Protégé.

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