Nirupoma Kardong


Arunachal Pradesh state is known for its cultural diversity where almost 110 sub tribes and 26 major ethnic groups inhabit (People of India Survey, ASI, 1997). Arunachal Pradesh, previously known as North East Frontier Agency (NEFA), is the homeland of a large number of tribes, among them Adi is an important one.  They mostly inhabit in East Siang, West Siang, Upper Siang and Siang districts of Arunachal Pradesh. The Adi is a blanket word which includes many sub – tribes, i.e., Ashing, Bori, Bokar, Gallong, Karko, Komkar, Milang, Padam, Pasi, Panggi, Pailibar, Ramo, Shimon, Tangom and Minyong, principally inhabitating in the Siang valley of Arunachal Pradesh. Donyipolo is the high god of the Adis, and different dimensions of this god have mosaiced their folklore. The Minyongs also worshipped Donyipolo as their high god. Among the Minyongs Abang is the traditional lore to appease different deities including Donyipolo. Abang is very important and part and parcel of the Adi festivals. In this paper attempt has been made to study about the dimension of abang in the Minyong society. This paper is based on empirical data collected from three Minyong villages of the Siang district of Arunachal Pradesh.


Arunachal Pradesh, Adi, Minyong, Abang, Ponung, Rhapsodies.


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