Rahul Kumar, Minakshi .


In the wake of economic development, various countries have taken up new infrastructural and development projects in order to fulfill the increasing demands of the growing population. Besides contributing to the so-called development of the country, these projects have adversely affected the local population, which leads to their physical relocation, disruption of livelihood and potential breakdown of communities. The discourse on development-induced displacement in India has shown a dismal picture and it has caused serious concern to the government and its policies at large. Since Independence, roughly 60 million people are supposed to have been displaced in the name of development projects and of them, very few have been resettled successfully. This paper is based on Doctoral research, which was primarily conducted to study a dam situation hitherto not studied. As contrast to the “big situations” or “large projects”, the Pong Dam did not capture the attention of the media and politicians. There was no people’s activism, i.e. the protests were not loud. In this paper, an attempt has been made to examine the socio-economic status of the project-affected population in the post displacement scenario.


Development, Displacement, Resettlement, Socio-Economic Status, Pong Dam.


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