Anchal Kalia


The present paper focuses on the need to go in depth behind what politics makes us available only a limited amount of knowledge in certain fields or particular topics especially related to the subject of history. An effort has been made to decipher certain questions like, "Which knowledge forms a part of the ‘official text’ and why?"; "What if the information that is overlooked actually holds some truth in it?"; "Who influences or controls curriculum content?"; etc.


This study is an educational interpretive qualitative research  where the focus is not to provide the single correct analysis of a text, but to provide a thoughtful and insightful reading that helps others to see the text in new and valuable way and that all has been analysed under the broader framework of recommendations of NPE, 1986 and NCF, 2005, wherein the states were to remain within the basic framework of the National curriculum.


Symbolic control, Official text, Compromised knowledge, Politics of curriculum, Official knowledge, Transformation of text.


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