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Monica Dudve


Introduction: Anemia is most common medical disorder of pregnancy which is responsible for higher maternal mortality in developing countries.

Objective: To demonstrate the effectiveness of iron sucrose in anemic pregnant women presenting at Government Civil Hospital, Nagda (M.P.).

Materials and Methods: It is a prospective clinical study of 65 pregnant women having moderate to severe anemia. This study was conducted over a periods of six months duration. Total iron deficit was calculated by formula. Intravenous iron sucrose was given in divided doses. Hemoglobin repeated after 3 weeks of therapy. Age of patient, Gestational age, parity and pretreatment and post treatment Hb(Hemoglobin) was calculated and analyzed.

Results: 67.7%(44) of the patients .i e. were between 26-30 years of age while 15.4% (10) patients were between 36-38 years of age. 61.5%(40) had gestational age between 31-34 weeks, 32.3%(21) patients between 21-30 weeks of gestations while 6.15% (4) patients had gestational age <20 weeks. 7.69%(5) patients were primi gravid, 44.6%(29) were second gravid a,10.77%(7) were 3rd  gravid and 21.53%(14) patients were 4thgravida. Iron sucrose therapy was effective in 59(90.76%) patients which show significant improvement in hemoglobin.

Conclusion: Iron sucrose therapy is safe, effective and convenient in treatment of anemia in pregnancy. Intravenous iron sucrose can replace blood transfusion in antenatal and postnatal period in many patients.


Anemia in pregnancy, Iron Sucrose Therapy, Pregnancy, Anemia, Iron sucrose, Pregnancy therapy.

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